What To Know About Drug Use Disorder And Addiction
Nobody ever foresees developing a drug use disorder, but this challenging disease touches millions of Americans every single year. Drug use disorders alter your mind and body and can devastate your life. Mercifully, there is support for anyone struggling with drug use. Specialized drug addiction treatment is available in the Duluth area and can enable you to take back control of your life. Keep reading to find out more about drug use disorders and addiction and how individuals and families can prevail over these conditions with specialized help.
What Is A Drug Use Disorder?
Many people use illicit drugs for recreational purposes or potent prescription drugs to treat physical conditions. But when does drug use become a life-changing disorder?
Commonly, drug use transforms into a disorder when a person displays concerning patterns of use and loses control of their use. Drug use disorders are mental health conditions that span from mild to severe. These conditions unsettle your life and negatively affect your wellbeing.
There are distinct facets of drug use disorders:
- Dependence occurs when your body becomes so used to a drug that it struggles to perform when it’s not present. You will endure distressing withdrawal symptoms if you quit using the drug.
- Addiction is a psychological dependence. Dependency-causing drugs modify your neural chemistry so that you continuously crave those substances and feel compelled to use them increasingly. You are unable to regulate your mind and conduct. Addiction is the most severe element of substance use disorders.
All degrees of drug use disorder are harmful to your body, mind, relationships, and happiness. If you are concerned that you or a person you love has a drug use disorder, get competent care for recovery. All people have a right to help.
What Drugs Are Habit-forming?
Addictive drugs include strong chemicals that modify your brain. Some are dangerous enough to be prohibited by law. Others are authorized prescription drugs but can turn dangerous when used improperly or overused. Below are many of the frequently encountered addictive drugs in the United States:
- Narcotics dull the senses, which makes them powerful pain relievers. However, individuals also take them to minimize other uncomfortable feelings and can get addicted quickly. Narcotics are often classified as opiates or opioids. Opiates are naturally derived drugs. Opioids are synthetic. Heroin is a widespread illegal narcotic. Legal narcotics like Vicodin, Percocet, OxyContin, morphine, and fentanyl have therapeutic uses but are habit-forming and frequently misused.
- Benzodiazepines are mood-changing drugs often recommended for psychological disorders. But, they can cause addiction when not taken properly. Their sedative qualities make you feel relaxed. Xanax and Valium are widely recognized benzos.
- Stimulants encompass prescriptions like Adderall and Ritalin, as well as illegal drugs like cocaine and meth. They activate your central nervous system, making you feel alert, animated, and elated. Overdosing of stimulants can be life-threatening.
All of these kinds of drugs can develop into a drug use disorder. They all have the capacity to destabilize your life and trigger dangerous medical conditions. Seek support for yourself or a loved one at the first indication of substance dependency.
How Does Drug Addiction Begin?
There are many reasons why people begin using addictive drugs. Numerous do so for enjoyment because they enjoy the feelings those chemicals create. Some people get addicted to prescriptions they're using for medical treatment. Additional people begin using drugs to cope with untreated mental illnesses and find short-term relief.
Whatever the primary factor for first taking these substances, the path to addiction is typically the same. Your body grows dependent on the drug, and you feel sick when you don't consume it. You take more just to get by. You might gradually require larger doses for the drug to work. You appreciate how its effect feels. You feel desperate without it and keep taking it. Over time, those chemicals overtake the reward system of your brain, and you cannot experience pleasure unless that drug is in your system.
Once you're addicted, obtaining a steady supply of the drug becomes all that matters. Many people damage relationships, experience health problems, lose jobs, and take great risks as a result of drug addiction. Your addiction dominates you and all aspects of your life, and you are helpless to stop without professional assistance.
What Are Some Signals Of Drug Addiction?
It might seem a drug use disorder would be apparent. But, these disorders can manifest differently among individuals, and those you love will frequently try to conceal their drug use from family members. If you aren't sure if you or a friend have a drug use disorder, consider the following warning signals:
- Experiencing an uncontrollable urge to use the drug
- Failed attempts to cut down on or quit using the drug
- Spending lots of time obtaining the drug, ingesting it, or recovering from its effects
- Taking a prescription for longer durations or in higher amounts than prescribed
- Unable to fulfill commitments due to drug use
- Abandoning favorite pursuits to use drugs
- Persistent use of the drug even though it affects relationships
- Continuing to use the drug even when it adversely impacts your physical and psychological health
- Requiring more of the substance to feel its effects
- Experiencing withdrawal when trying to stop
- Engaging in risky behavior to acquire or ingest the drug
Drug use disorders can look different between people. If you or a loved one are showing any signs of drug addiction near Duluth, speak with a doctor or addiction treatment specialist.
Where To Obtain Drug Addiction Treatment In Duluth
Drug use disorder treatment is a multi-step process. Many people will slip up and need to revisit steps more than once. You won’t be “cured” of drug use disorder, but numerous patients find recovery and use what they learn during treatment to live a healthy, drug-free life. The answer is finding specialized, evidence-based treatment that aligns with your needs.
Everybody’s recovery journey will be distinct. But, treatment generally involves the following steps at licensed treatment facilities:
- Drug detox is the method of letting your body cleanse itself of substances. Your body will do this on its own as long as you refrain from taking more drugs. However, if you have a drug dependency, your body will experience withdrawal without using. To complete detox safely, you should enter an inpatient detox center that supplies 24-hour medical supervision and takes steps to keep you comfortable.
- Drug rehab programs also give you inpatient support. In rehab, you’ll continue to live at a treatment facility and have access to specialized healthcare for any ongoing withdrawal symptoms. Daily, you participate in different sorts of counseling sessions with the goal of comprehending your addiction, learning new beneficial habits, and treating any existing mental disorders. You should continue in rehab until you become physically and mentally stable enough to exit that sober environment.
- After you finish rehab, you should continue to receive intensive addiction support. Outpatient addiction and mental health therapy will help you move forward in life without harmful substances. These programs provide continuing therapy and medication management. At first, you might attend outpatient treatment every day and head home in the evenings. Gradually, you won’t need as much therapy and could only go to therapy once a week or less.
Every individual has a right to expert, supportive addiction treatment. Regardless of how severe your addiction might be, recovery is possible. Pursuing appropriate support at a qualified facility is necessary for your success. You don’t have to battle addiction on your own. You have many choices for drug addiction treatment near Duluth.
How Can Families Help A Loved One Struggling With Drug Addiction Near Duluth?
People with a drug use disorder need all the assistance they can obtain. Family and friends can be essential to addiction recovery. If you love someone with a drug use disorder, here are many ways you are able to support them:
- Help them enter a treatment facility
- Help them make payments for treatment
- Attend family counseling with them
- Take part in aftercare planning
- Provide a safe, drug-free setting to live
- Avoid passing judgment
- Set ground rules around their substance use
- Offer transportation to outpatient treatment appointments
Get Help For Drug Use Disorders Near Duluth Today
Nobody should face drug use disorders alone. If you or a loved one are struggling with drug addiction, there is hope. Reach out to Sunrise Detox Duluth at 470-327-8336 or complete the following contact from. One of our team members will answer you immediately to talk about treatment. All calls are free and private. You can reach us 24-hours a day, every day of the year. Get help today. We are standing by for you.